Haiku to pregnancy tests


Ok so the tests I use have pink lines, but when I thought of lines I thought blue…maybe expensive tests have blue lines and you will think I am classy rather than buying Poundland pregnancy tests….anyway, here it is:

2 blue lines… I wait,
Carrying precious cargo?
Patience will answer.
The power of lines…
2 is the magic number…
1 line; chance has passed.

London life


Running on the left;

Running on the left;

Save 2  minutes extra then we won’t feel bereft.

Standing on the right;

Standing on the right;

Sometimes slow and steady is all you need at night.

Running on the left;

Running on the left;

Makes us feel important look at our speed and deft.

Standing on the right;

Standing on the right;

Taking time to savour the joy of morning light.



Walk boldly…


Walk boldly little man, walk boldly;
I am here to wipe away your tears.

Walk boldly little man, walk boldly;
I will help to keep away your fears.

Walk boldly little man, walk boldly;
It’s hard to watch you moving through the gears.

Walk boldly little man, walk boldly;
I will love you more throughout the years.

But when…?


This is my first attempt at poetry since secondary school…please don’t laugh!


If I could have my time again,
I’d never use the phrase “but when…”
But when will you sleep?
But when will you walk?
But when will you grow?
But when will you talk?
If I knew then what I now know;
I’d stop to watch you bloom and grow.
I’d keep you near;
I’d savour those snuggles;
I’d listen for you,
and relish those cuddles.
When I think back to hours wasted asleep,
I really could curl up and weep.
My shining star,
That little boy,
You really are my pride and joy
Copyright Adventures of an Unprepared Mother 20.5.14